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2021 - current



  • Martínez, E. E. G., Zamarreño, C. R., Meurs, J., Cristescu, S. M. & Matías, I. R. Hyperbolic mode resonance-based acetone optical sensors powered by ensemble learning. Sens. Actuators B Chem. 418, 136342 (2024).
  • Jahromi, K. E., Khodabakhsh, A., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Applications of supercontinuum sources for trace gas sensing. Encycl. Anal. Chem. 1–26 (2024).
  • Krebbers, R. et al. Ultra-broadband spectroscopy using a 2–11.5 μm IDFG-based supercontinuum source. Opt. Express 32, 14506 (2024).
  • Lin, Y., Manalili, D., Khodabakhsh, A. & Cristescu, S. M. Real-time measurement of CH4 in human breath using a compact CH4/CO2 sensor. Sensors 24, 1077 (2024).

Conference papers


Conference papers

  • Khodabakhsh, A., Krebbers, R., van Kempen, K., Bang, O., Petersen, C. R. & Cristescu, S. M. FTS based on MIR supercontinuum sources for trace gas detection. In Optica Sensing Congress 2023 (AIS, FTS, HISE, Sensors, ES), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper ETu5E.1.
  • Cristescu, S. M. et al. Volatiles detection using broadband mid-IR spectroscopy: from a research idea to application in fruit storage facilities. In Optica Sensing Congress 2023 (AIS, FTS, HISE, Sensors, ES), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper ATu5A.2.
  • Krebbers, R., van Kempen, K., Harren, F. J. M., Khodabakhsh, A. & Cristescu, S. M. Mid-infrared supercontinuum-based spectroscopy for open-path measurements. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe 2023) and European Quantum Electronics Conference (EQEC 2023), Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper ch_16_2.
  • Krebbers, R., Liu, N., Harren, F. J. M., Khodabakhsh, A. & Cristescu, S. M. Multi-species temperature analysis in methane plasmas using supercontinuum-based Fourier transform spectroscopy. In 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC), Munich, Germany, 2023, pp. 1-1.



Conference papers

  • Krebbers, R. et al. Mid-infrared broadband spectroscopy for plasma analysis. In Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2022 (AIS, LACSEA, Sensors, ES) (2022).
  • Krebbers, R. et al. Analysis of methane and carbon dioxide plasmas with supercontinuum-based Fourier transform spectroscopy. In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (2022).
  • Krebbers, R. et al. Fourier transform spectroscopy based on a mid-infrared supercontinuum source for plasma study. In Optica High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2022 (2022).



  • Abbas, M. A. et al. Fourier transform spectrometer based on high-repetition-rate mid-infrared supercontinuum sources for trace gas detection. Opt. Express 29, 22315 (2021).
  • Jahromi, K. E. et al. Fourier transform and grating-based spectroscopy with a mid-infrared supercontinuum source for trace gas detection in fruit quality monitoring. Opt. Express 29, 12381 (2021).
  • Henderson, B. et al. Exhaled breath reflects prolonged exercise and statin use during a field campaign. Metabolites 11, 192 (2021).
  • Napier, B. et al. Ultra-broadband infrared gas sensor for pollution detection: the TRIAGE project. J. Phys. Photonics 3, 031003 (2021).
  • Henderson, B. et al. The peppermint breath test benchmark for PTR-MS and SIFT-MS. J. Breath Res. 15, 046005 (2021).
  • Mayer, V. E., de Hoog, S., Cristescu, S. M., Vera, L. & Prenafeta-Boldú, F. X. Volatile organic compounds in the Azteca/Cecropia ant-plant symbiosis and the role of black fungi. J. Fungi 7, 836 (2021).
  • Lu, M. et al. External validation for statistical NO~2 modelling: A study case using a high-end mobile sensing instrument. Atmos. Pollut. Res. 12, 101205 (2021).
  • Cellini, A. et al. A breach in plant defences: Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae targets ethylene signalling to overcome Actinidia chinensis pathogen responses. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 4375 (2021).

Conference papers

  • Nematollahi, M. et al. Fourier transform spectrometer combined with a mid-infrared supercontinuum source for trace gas sensing. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (2021).
  • Khodabakhsh, A. et al. Fourier transform spectrometer developed for high repetition rate mid-infrared supercontinuum sources. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (2021).
  • Abbas, M. A. et al. Mid-infrared dual-comb absorption and dispersion spectroscopy and temperature measurement in a plasma. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (2021).
  • Petersen, C. R. et al. Supercontinuum based mid-infrared OCT, spectroscopy, and hyperspectral imaging. 2021 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe & European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe-EQEC) (2021).
  • Liu, N. et al. Multispecies analysis in a CH4/N2 discharge plasma using a mid-infrared supercontinuum source and an FTS. OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES) (2021).
  • Abbas, M. A. et al. Mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy: towards time-resolved absorption and dispersion spectroscopy in a plasma. OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES) (2021).
  • Jahromi, K. E. et al. Performance comparison of Fourier transform and grating-based spectrometers in trace gas detection for fruit quality monitoring. OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES) (2021).
  • Khodabakhsh, A. et al. Fourier transform spectroscopy using novel mid-infrared supercontinuum sources. OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES) (2021).
  • Chin, S. et al. Compact supercontinuum gas spectrometer: principle and airborne field applications. OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress 2021 (AIS, FTS, HISE, SENSORS, ES) (2021).
  • Abbas, M. A. et al. Time-resolved mid-infrared dual-comb absorption and dispersion spectroscopy of methane and ethane: towards plasma applications. Real-time Measurements, Rogue Phenomena, and Single-Shot Applications VI (2021).
  • Harren, F. J. M., Jahromi, K. E., Krebbers, R., Khodabakhsh, A. & Nematollahi, M. Multi-species trace gas detection using a mid-infrared supercontinuum source and a fast-scanning Fourier transform spectrometer. Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications XIV (2021).
  • Balet, L. et al. Airborne campaign results of a compact 2-4 µm broadband supercontinuum-based spectrometer system for multi-species atmospheric gas analysis at ppm level. Photonic Instrumentation Engineering VIII (2021).

2016 - 2020



  • Abbas, M. A. et al. Broadband time-resolved absorption and dispersion spectroscopy of methane and ethane in a plasma using a mid-infrared dual-comb spectrometer. Sensors vol. 20, 6831 (2020).
  • Eslami Jahromi, K. et al. Sensitive multi-species trace gas sensor based on a high repetition rate mid-infrared supercontinuum source. Optics Express vol. 28, 26091 (2020).
  • Henderson, B. et al. A benchmarking protocol for breath analysis: the peppermint experiment. Journal of Breath Research vol. 14, 046008 (2020).
  • Iakimova, E. T., Yordanova, Z. P., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. F. M. & Woltering, E. J. Cell death associated release of volatile organic sulphur compounds with antioxidant properties in chemical-challenged tobacco BY-2 suspension cultured cells. Journal of Plant Physiology vol. 251, 153223 (2020).
  • Kammer, J. et al. Characterization of particulate and gaseous pollutants from a French dairy and sheep farm. Science of The Total Environment vol. 712, 135598 (2020).

Book chapter

Conference papers

  • Abbas, M. A., Pan, Q., Mandon, J., Harren, F. J. M., & Khodabakhsh, A. Time-Resolved Mid-Infrared Dual-Comb Spectroscopy of Methane in an Electrical Discharge. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper STh3F.7.
  • Jahromi, K. E., Khodabakhsh, A., Nematollahi, M., Pan, Q., & Harren, F. J. M. Broadband Mid-infrared Trace Gas Sensor Based on a Supercontinuum Source and Lock-in Detection. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper SF2N.5.
  • Abbas, M. A., Mandon, J., Pan, Q., Harren, F. J. M., & Khodabakhsh, A. High-Quality Mid-Infrared Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Based on a Two-Crystal Optical Parametric Oscillator. High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (HILAS, MICS, EUVXRAY), The Optical Society (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper MTh2C.3.
  • Khodabakhsh, A., Abbas, M. A., Mandon, J., Pan, Q., & Harren, F. J. M. Time-Resolved Mid-Infrared Dual-Comb Spectroscopy Based on a Two-Crystal Optical Parametric Oscillator. High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (HILAS, MICS, EUVXRAY), The Optical Society (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper MTh2C.2.
  • Jahromi, K. E., Pan, Q., Nematollahi, M., Harren, F. J. M., & Khodabakhsh, A. A Sensitive and Transportable Multi-Species Trace Gas Sensor Based on a Mid-Infrared Supercontinuum Source. High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (HILAS, MICS, EUVXRAY), The Optical Society (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper MTh2C.5.
  • Harren, F.J.M. New coherent sources for mid infrared spectroscopic applications. OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (EUVXRAY, HILAS, MICS), Optical Society (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper MTh2C.1.
  • Chin, S. et al. Compact, UAV compatible, broadband, uncooled Spectrometer for multi-species atmospheric gas analysis. OSA High-brightness Sources and Light-driven Interactions Congress 2020 (EUVXRAY, HILAS, MICS) (2020).
  • Balet, L. et al. FLAIR Airborne System for Multi-Species Atmospheric Gas Spectroscopy in the mid-IR. SMSI 2020-Sensors and Instrumentation, 151-152.
  • Harren, F.J.M. New coherent sources for mid infrared spectroscopic applications. SMSI 2020-Sensors and Instrumentation, 153-154.



  • Jahromi K. E., Pan Q., Khodabakhsh A. & Harren F.J.M.: Broadband Multi-species trace gas detection by up-converting mid-infrared supercontinuum light into the near-infraredCLEO/Europe-EQEC (2019), 23-27 June. Optical Society of America OSA Technical Digest (online), vol. paper ch_11_1, IEEE, Munich, Germany, 2019.
  • Paardekooper, L. M., Dingjan, I., Linders, P. T. A., Staal, A. H. J., Cristescu, S. M., Verberk, W., & van den Bogaart, G. (2019). Human monocyte-derived dendritic cells produce millimolar concentrations of ROS in phagosomes per second. Front. Immunol. 10, 9.
  • Nadeem, F., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Khodabakhsh, A., & Harren, F. J. M. (2019). Experimental-based comparison between off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy and multipass-assisted wavelength modulation spectroscopy at 7.7 μm. OSA Continuum 2, 2667–2682.
  • Mur, L. A. J., Kumari, A., Brotman, Y., Zeier, J., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F., Kaiser, W. M., Fernie, A. R., & Gupta, K. J. (2019). Nitrite and nitric oxide are important in the adjustment of primary metabolism during the hypersensitive response in tobacco. J. Exp. Bot. 70, 4571–4582.
  • Malaskova, M., Henderson, B., Chellayah, P. D., Ruzsanyi, V., Mochalski, P., Cristescu, S. M., & Mayhew, C. A. (2019). Proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometric measurements of volatile compounds contained in peppermint oil capsules of relevance to real-time pharmacokinetic breath studies. J. Breath Res. 13.
  • Kiseleva, M., Mandon, J., Persijn, S., & Harren, F. J. M. (2019). Accurate measurements of line strengths and air-broadening coefficients in methane around 1.66 μm using cavity ring down spectroscopy. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 224, 9–17.
  • Jahromi, K. E., Pan, Q., Khodabakhsh, A., Sikkens, C., Assman, P., Cristescu, S. M., Moselund, P. M., Janssens, M., Verlinden, B. E., & Harren, F. J. M. (2019). A broadband mid-infrared trace gas sensor using supercontinuum light source: applications for real-time quality control for fruit storage. Sensors 19.
  • Jahromi, K. E., Pan, Q., Hogstedt, L., Friis, S. M. M., Khodabakhsh, A., Moselund, P. M., & Harren, F. J. M. (2019). Mid-infrared supercontinuum-based upconversion detection for trace gas sensing. Opt. Express 27, 24469–24480.
  • Iakimova, E. T., Yordanova, Z. P., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M., & Woltering, E. J. (2019). Cell death signaling and morphology in chemical-treated tobacco BY-2 suspension cultured cells. Environ. Exp. Bot. 164, 157–169.
  • Harren, F. J. M. & Cristescu, S. M. (2019). Photoacoustic spectroscopy in trace gas monitoring. In Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Meyers, R. A. (Ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Fleisher, A. J., Bermel, P., Harren, F. J., Kuze, A., & Xiong, Q. H. (2019). Light, energy and the environment, 2018: introduction to the joint feature issue. Appl. Opt. 58, LEE1–LEE3.
  • Fleisher, A. J., Bermel, P., Harren, F. J., Kuze, A., & Xiong, Q. H. (2019). Light, energy and the environment, 2018: introduction to the joint feature issue. Opt. Express 27, A856–A859.
  • Banerjee, A., Mandon, J., Harren, F., & Parker, D. H. (2019). Collision-induced absorption between O2-CO2 for the a(1)Δg (v=1) ← X3Σg (v=0) transition of molecular oxygen at 1060 nm. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 1805–1811.
  • Abbas, M. A., Khodabakhsh, A., Pan, Q., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., & Harren, F. J. M. (2019). Mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy with absolute frequency calibration using a passive optical reference. Opt. Express 27, 19282–19291.
  • Abbas, M. A., Khodabakhsh, A., Mandon, J., Pan, Q., & Harren, F. J. M. Static and dynamic measurements in an electrical discharge using mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy. CLEO/Europe-EQEC (2019), 23–27 June. Optical Society of America OSA Technical Digest (online), vol. paper ed_3_4 IEEE, Munich, Germany.
  • Pan, Q., Jahromi, K. E., Khodabakhsh, A., & Harren, F. J. M. Mid-infrared multispecies trace gas sensing using a supercontinuum light source. CLEO/Europe-EQEC (2019), 23–27 June. Optical Society of America OSA Technical Digest (online), vol. paper ch_11_5 IEEE, Munich, Germany.
  • Jahromi, K. E., Pan, Q., Khodabakhsh, A., & Harren, F. J. M. Broadband multi-species trace gas detection by up-converting mid-infrared supercontinuum light into the near-infrared. CLEO/Europe-EQEC (2019), 23–27 June. Optical Society of America OSA Technical Digest (online), vol. paper ch_11_1 IEEE, Munich, Germany.



  • Romano, R., Cristescu, S. M., Risby, T. H. & Marczin, N. (2018). Lipid peroxidation in cardiac surgery: towards consensus on biomonitoring, diagnostic tools and therapeutic implementation. J. Breath Res. 12, 15.
  • Nguyen, D., Poeschl, Y., Lortzing, T., Hoogveld, R., Gogol-Döring, A., Cristescu, S., Steppuhn, A., Mariani, C., Rieu, I. & van Dam, N. (2018). Interactive responses of Solanum dulcamara to drought and insect feeding are herbivore species-specific. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19, 3845.
  • Nadeem, F., Postma, B. R., Postma, G., Cristescu, S. M., Mandon, J. & Harren, F. J. M. (2018). Comprehensive three-dimensional ray tracing model for three-mirror cavity-enhanced spectroscopy. Appl. Opt. 57, 154–163.
  • Nadeem, F., Mandon, J., Khodabakhsh, A., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. (2018). Sensitive spectroscopy of acetone using a widely tunable external-cavity quantum cascade laser. Sensors 18, 16.
  • Nadeem, F., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. (2018). Intensity enhancement in off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy. Appl. Opt. 57, 8536–8542.
  • Montilla-Bascón, G., Mandon, J., Harren, F. J. M., Mur, L. A. J., Cristescu, S. M. & Prats, E. (2018). Quantum cascade lasers-based detection of nitric oxide. In Nitric Oxide, vol. 1747, Springer, pp. 49–57.
  • Kiseleva, M., Mandon, J., Persijn, S. & Harren, F. J. M. (2018). Line strength measurements and relative isotopic ratio 13C/12C measurements in carbon dioxide using cavity ring down spectroscopy. J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf. 204, 152–158.
  • Henderson, B., Khodabakhsh, A., Metsala, M., Ventrillard, I., Schmidt, F. M., Romanini, D., Ritchie, G. A. D., Hekkert, S. T., Briot, R., Risby, T., Marczin, N., Harren, F. J. M. & Cristescu, S. M. (2018). Laser spectroscopy for breath analysis: towards clinical implementation. Appl. Phys. B 124, 21.
  • Danner, H., Desurmont, G. A., Cristescu, S. M. & van Dam, N. M. (2018). Herbivore-induced plant volatiles accurately predict history of coexistence, diet breadth, and feeding mode of herbivores. New Phytol. 220, 726–738.
  • Cristescu, S. M. (2018). Aspergillus identification by volatile organic compounds release. Med. Mycol. 56, S26-S26.
  • Cellini, A., Buriani, G., Rocchi, L., Rondelli, E., Savioli, S., Rodriguez-Estrada, M. T., Cristescu, S. M., Costa, G. & Spinelli, F. (2018). Biological relevance of volatile organic compounds emitted during the pathogenic interactions between apple plants and Erwinia amylovora. Mol. Plant Pathol. 19, 158–168.
  • Pan, Q., Jahromi, K. E., Abbas, M. A., Khodabakhsh, A., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. (2018). Towards broadband multi-species trace gas detection using a mid-infrared supercontinuum source. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (OSA), San Jose, USA, paper ATh3O.2.
  • Nadeem, F., Khodabakhsh, A., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. (2018). Detection of N2O using an external-cavity quantum cascade laser. Light, Energy and the Environment Congress (OSA), Sentosa Island, Singapore, paper JT2A.18.
  • Khodabakhsh, A., Pan, Q., Eslami Jahromi, K. & Harren, F. J. M. (2018). Mid-infrared spectroscopy using supercontinuum sources: towards field applications. Light, Energy and the Environment Congress (OSA), Sentosa Island, Singapore, paper EW2A.5.



  • Azhar, M., Mandon, J., Neerincx, A. H., Liu, Z., Mink, J., Merkus, P. J. F. M., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. A widely tunable, near‑infrared laser‑based trace gas sensor for hydrogen cyanide (HCN) detection in exhaled breath. Appl. Phys. B (2017) 123, 268.
  • Cellini, A., Buriani, G., Rocchi, L., Rondelli, E., Savioli, S., Rodriguez-Estrada, M., Cristescu, S. M., Costa, G. & Spinelli, F. Biological relevance of volatile organic compounds emitted during the pathogenic interactions between apple plants and Erwinia amylovora. Mol. Plant Pathol. 19, 158–168 (2018)
  • Montilla-Bascón, G., Rubiales, D., Hebelstrup, K. H., Mandon, J., Harren, F. J. M., Cristescu, S. M., Mur, L. A. J. & Prats, E. Reduced nitric oxide levels during drought stress promote drought tolerance in barley and is associated with elevated polyamine biosynthesis. Sci. Rep. 7, 13311 (2017).
  • Paardekooper, L. M., van den Bogaart, G., Kox, M., Dingjan, I., Neerincx, A., Bendix, M., ter Beest, M., Harren, F. J. M., Risby, T., Pickkers, P., Marczin, N. & Cristescu, S. M. Ethylene, an early marker of systemic inflammation in humans. Sci. Rep. 7, 6889 (2017).
  • Horváth, I., Barnes, P. J., Loukides, S., ..., Cristescu, S. M., et al. A European Respiratory Society technical standard: exhaled biomarkers in lung disease. Eur. Respir. J. 49, 1600965 (2017).
  • Gupta, J., Kumari, A., Brotmann, Y., Zeier, J., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F., Kaiser, W., Fernie, A. & Mur, L. Dissecting the differential effects of nitrite and NO on amino acid biosynthesis using nitrite reductase inhibited transgenic tobacco. Mol. Plant (2017)
  • Brown, A., Cristescu, S. M., Mullock, S. J., Reich, D. F., Lamont-Smith, C. S. & Harren, F. J. M. Implementation and characterization of an RF ion funnel ion guide as a proton transfer reaction chamber. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. (2017).
  • Geurts, ..., Neerincx, A., Bertrand, S., Leemans, M., Postma, G. J., Wolfender, J.-L., Cristescu, S. M., Buydens, L. & Janssen, J. Combining ANOVA-PCA with POCHEMON to analyse micro-organism development in a polymicrobial environment. Anal. Chim. Acta (2017).
  • Danner, H., Desurmont, G. A., Cristescu, S. M. & van Dam, N. M. Herbivore-induced plant volatiles accurately predict history of co-existence, diet breadth, and feeding mode of herbivores. New Phytol. (2017).



  • Mandon, J., Mur, L. A. J., Harren, F. J. M. & Cristescu, S. M. Laser-based methods for detection of nitric oxide in plants. In: Gupta, K. J. (ed) Plant Nitric Oxide: Methods and Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1424, 143–158 (Springer Science+Business Media New York, 2016). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4939-3600-7_10, ISBN: 978-1-4939-3598-7.
  • Cellini, A., Buriani, G., Rocchi, L., Rondelli, E., Savioli, S., Rodriguez-Estrada, M., Cristescu, S. M., Costa, G. & Spinelli, F. Biological relevance of volatile organic compounds emitted during the pathogenic interactions between apple plants and Erwinia amylovora. Mol. Plant Pathol. (2016). DOI: 10.1111/mpp.12509.
  • Neerincx, H., Geurts, B. P., van Loon, J., Tiemes, V., Jansen, J. J., Harren, F. J. M., Kluijtmans, L. A. J., Merkus, P. J. F. M., Cristescu, S. M., Buydens, L. M. C. & Wevers, R. A. Detection of Staphylococcus aureus in cystic fibrosis patients using breath VOC profiles. J. Breath Res. 10, 046014 (2016).
  • Neerincx, H., Geurts, B. P., Habets, M. F. J., Booij, J. A., van Loon, J., Jansen, J. J., Buydens, L. M. C., van Ingen, J., Mouton, J. W., Harren, F. J. M., Wevers, R. A., Merkus, P. J. F. M., Cristescu, S. M. & Kluijtmans, L. A. J. Identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus fumigatus mono- and co-cultures based on volatile biomarker combinations. J. Breath Res. 10, 016002 (2016).
  • Sivakumaran, A., Akinyemi, A., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Hall, M. A., Harren, F. J. M. & Mur, L. A. J. ABA suppresses Botrytis cinerea elicited NO production in tomato to influence H2O2 generation and increase host susceptibility. Front. Plant Sci. (2016). DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00709.
  • Neerincx, H., Linders, Y. A. M., Vermeulen, L., Belderbos, R. A., Mandon, J., van Mastrigt, E., Pijnenburg, M. W., van Ingen, J., Mouton, J. W., Kluijtmans, L. A. J., Wevers, R. A., Harren, F. J. M., Cristescu, S. M. & Merkus, P. J. F. M. Hydrogen cyanide in exhaled breath of Staphylococcus aureus infected cystic fibrosis patients. Eur. Respir. J. 48, 577–579 (2016). DOI: 10.1183/13993003.02093-2015.
  • Bisson, M. A., Kessenbrock, M., Müller, L., Hofmann, A., Schmitz, F., Cristescu, S. M. & Groth, G. Peptides interfering with protein-protein interactions in the ethylene signaling pathway delay tomato fruit ripening. Sci. Rep. 6, 30634 (2016). DOI: 10.1038/srep30634.
  • Centeno, J., Mandon, J., Harren, F. J. M. & Cristescu, S. M. Influence of ethanol on breath acetone measurements using an external cavity quantum cascade laser. Photonics 3, 22 (2016). DOI: 10.3390/photonics3020022.
  • Dawood, T., Yang, X., Visser, E. J. W., te Beek, T. A. H., Kensche, P. R., Cristescu, S. M., Lee, S., Floková, K., Nguy, D., Mariani, C. & Rieu, I. A co-opted hormonal cascade activates dormant adventitious root primordia upon flooding in Solanum dulcamara. Plant Physiol. 170(4), 2351–2364 (2016).
  • Pakmanesh, M., Cristescu, S. M., Ghorbanzadeh, A., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Quantum cascade laser-based sensors for the detection of exhaled carbon monoxide. Appl. Phys. B 122, 1–9 (2016).
  • De Gernier, H., De Pessemier, J., Xu, J., Cristescu, S. M., Van Der Straeten, D., Verbruggen, N. & Hermans, C. A comparative study of ethylene emanation upon nitrogen deficiency in natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. Front. Plant Sci. 7, 70 (2016). DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00070.
  • Nguyen, N., D’Agostino, N., Tytgat, T. O. G., Sun, P., Lortzing, T., Visser, E. J. W., Cristescu, S. M., Steppuhn, A., Mariani, C., van Dam, N. M. & Rieu, I. Drought and flooding have distinct effects on herbivore-induced responses and resistance in Solanum dulcamara. Plant Cell Environ. 39, 1485–1499 (2016).

2011 - 2015



  • Cristescu, S. M., Woltering, E., Hermans, C., Harren, F. J. M. & te Lintel Hekkert, S. Research tools: Ethylene detection. In Wen, C.-K. (ed.) Ethylene in Plants 263–286 (Springer, 2015).
  • Neerincx, A. H. et al. Real-time monitoring of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and ammonia (NH3) emitted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J. Breath Res. 9, 027102 (2015).
  • Silander, I., Hausmaninger, T., Ma, W., Harren, F. J. M. & Axner, O. Doppler-broadened mid-infrared noise-immune cavity-enhanced optical heterodyne molecular spectrometry based on an optical parametric oscillator for trace gas detection. Opt. Lett. 40, 439–442 (2015).
  • Marchenko, D. et al. A compact laser-based spectrometer for detection of C2H2 in exhaled breath and HCN in vitro. Appl. Phys. B 118, 275–280 (2015).
  • Jin, Y., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Femtosecond optical parametric oscillators toward real-time dual-comb spectroscopy. Appl. Phys. B 119, 65–74 (2015).
  • Centeno, R. et al. External cavity diode laser-based detection of trace gases with NICE-OHMS using current modulation. Opt. Express 23, 6277–6282 (2015).
  • Farneti, B. et al. Chilling-induced changes in aroma volatile profiles in tomato. Food Bioprocess Technol. 8, 1442–1454 (2015).
  • Samudrala, D. et al. Changes in urine headspace composition as an effect of strenuous walking. Metabolomics 11, 1656–1666 (2015).
  • Samudrala, D. et al. Optimization and sensitive detection of sulphur compounds emitted from plants using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 386, 6–14 (2015).
  • Danner, H. et al. Aboveground and belowground herbivores synergistically induce volatile organic sulfur compound emissions from shoots but not from roots. J. Chem. Ecol. 41, 631–640 (2015).
  • Jin, Y., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Broadly independent-tunable, dual-wavelength mid-infrared ultrafast optical parametric oscillator. Opt. Express 23, 20418–20427 (2015).
  • Szymańska, E. et al. Comprehensive data scientific procedure for enhanced analysis and interpretation of real-time breath measurements in in-vivo aroma-release studies. Anal. Chem. 87, 10338–10345 (2015).
  • Jin, Y., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Vernier effect within a versatile femtosecond optical parametric oscillator for broad-tunable, high-repetition-rate oscillator. arXiv preprint arXiv:1510.07432 (2015).
  • Widiatmono, R., Mandon, J., Harren, F. J. M. & Mitrayana, K. M. Sub ppb CO gas measurement using a non-invasive QCL laser absorption spectrometer technique. Appl. Mech. Mater. 771, 133–136 (2015).
  • Neerincx, A. H. et al. Volatile organic compounds emitted by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aspergillus fumigatus mono-cultures and in co-culture. Eur. Respir. J. 46, PA2057 (2015).
  • Thornadtsson, A. et al. Extended NO analysis may improve personalized anti-inflammatory treatment in asthmatic children with intermediate FeNO50. J. Breath Res. 9, 047114 (2015).
  • Azhar, M. et al. Optical trace gas detection in human breath for disease diagnosis. European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015, Munich, Germany. OSA Technical Digest, (paper CH_4_3).
  • Centeno, R. et al. High power, widely tunable, mode-hop free, continuous wave external cavity quantum cascade laser for multi-species trace gas detection. European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015, Munich, Germany. OSA Technical Digest, (paper CB_6_5).
  • Jin, Y., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Mid-infrared two-color optical parametric oscillator across a 30 THz spectral range. CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science 2015, San Jose, CA, USA. OSA Technical Digest, (paper SM3P.4).
  • Jin, Y., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Two-crystal optical parametric oscillator for broadband dual-comb spectroscopy. CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science 2015, San Jose, CA, USA. OSA Technical Digest, (paper STh1H.5).
  • Jin, Y., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Multi-nonlinear effects in a two-crystal optical parametric oscillator. CLEO: QELS Fundamental Science 2015, San Jose, CA, USA. OSA Technical Digest, (paper JTu5A.2).
  • Centeno, R. et al. High power, widely tunable, mode-hop free, continuous wave external cavity quantum cascade laser for multi-species trace gas detection. European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2015, Munich, Germany. OSA Technical Digest, (paper CB_6_5).



  • Centeno, R., Marchenko, D., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Wulterkens, G. & Harren, F. J. M. High power, widely tunable, mode-hop free, continuous wave external cavity quantum cascade laser for multi-species trace gas detection. Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 261907 (2014).
  • Bulens, I., Van de Poel, B., Hertog, M. L. A. T. M., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M., De Proft, M. P., Geeraerd, A. H. & Nicolai, B. M. Dynamic changes of the ethylene biosynthesis in ‘Jonagold’ apple. Physiol. Plant. 150, 161–173 (2014).
  • Marchenko, D. et al. A compact laser-based spectrometer for detection of C2H2 in exhaled breath and HCN in vitro. Appl. Phys. B 118, 275–280 (2015).
  • Samudrala, D. et al. Breath acetone to monitor life style interventions in field conditions: an exploratory study. Obesity 22, 980–983 (2014).
  • Hebelstrup, K. et al. An assessment of the biotechnological use of hemoglobin in cereals. Physiol. Plant. 150, 593–603 (2013).
  • Jin, Y., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Mandon, J. Two-crystal mid-infrared optical parametric oscillator for absorption and dispersion dual-comb spectroscopy. Opt. Lett. 39, 3270–3273 (2014).
  • Centeno, R., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Three mirror Off Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy for the detection of ethylene using a Quantum Cascade Laser. Sens. Actuators B: Chem. 203, 311–319 (2014).
  • Cristescu, S. M. et al. Real-time monitoring of endogenous lipid peroxidation by exhaled ethylene in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Am. J. Physiol.-Lung Cell. Mol. Physiol. 307, L509–L515 (2014).
  • Centeno, R., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Sensitivity enhancement in off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy. Opt. Express 22, 27985–27991 (2014).
  • Hall, M. A. et al. Interactions between nitric oxide and ethylene in monomeric G-protein activation in relation to food spoilage. Genet. Plant Physiol. 4, 3–12 (2014).
  • Biasioli, S. et al. Identification of volatile markers in potato brown rot and ring rot by combined GC-MS and PTR-MS techniques: study on in vitro and in vivo samples. J. Agric. Food Chem. 62, 337–347 (2014).



  • Cristescu, S., Mandon, J., Arslanov, D., De Pessemier, J., Hermans, C. & Harren, F. J. M. Current methods for detecting ethylene in plants. Ann. Bot. 111, 347–360 (2013).
  • Arslanov, D. D., Spunei, M., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Persijn, S. T. & Harren, F. J. M. Optical Parametric Oscillator based infrared spectroscopy for sensitive molecular gas sensing. Laser Photonics Rev. 7, 188–206 (2013).
  • Cristescu, S. M., Marchenko, D., Mandon, J., Hebelstrup, K., Griffith, G. W., Mur, L. A. J. & Harren, F. J. M. Spectroscopic monitoring of NO traces in plants and human breath: applications and perspectives. Appl. Phys. B 110, 203–211 (2013).
  • Gupta, K. J. et al. The form of nitrogen nutrition affects resistance against Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola in tobacco. J. Exp. Bot. 64, 553–568 (2013).
  • Crespo, E., Graus, M., Gilman, J. B., Lerner, B., Fall, R., Harren, F. J. M. & Warneke, C. Volatile organic compound emissions from elephant grass and bamboo cultivars used as potential bioethanol crop. Atmos. Environ. 65, 61–68 (2013).
  • Mur, L. A. J., Mandon, J., Persijn, S., Cristescu, S., Harren, F., Hebelstrup, K. & Gupta, K. J. Nitric oxide in plants: an assessment of the current state of knowledge. Ann. Bot. Plants 5, pls052 (2013).
  • Harren, F. J. M. & Cristescu, S. M. On-line, real time detection of volatile emissions from plant tissue. Ann. Bot. Plants 5, plt003 (2013).
  • Marchenko, D., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Merkus, P. J. F. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Quantum cascade laser-based sensor for detection of exhaled and biogenic nitric oxide. Appl. Phys. B, (2013).
  • Chincinska, I. et al. Photoperiodic regulation of the sucrose transporter StSUT4 affects the expression of flowering genes and ethylene production. Front. Plant Sci. 4, 1–12 (2013).
  • Santosa, I. E., Harnita, A. N. I., Martono, S., Sudarsono, Widyarini, S. & Harren, F. J. M. Detection of ethylene for in vitro evaluation of the UV photoprotection. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Res. 4, 1–5 (2013).
  • Cristescu, S. M., Mandon, J., Harren, F. J. M., Meriläinen, P. & Högman, M. Methods of NO detection in exhaled breath. J. Breath Res. 7, 017104 (2013).
  • Behrendt, L., Staal, M., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M., Schliep, M., Larkum, A. W. D. & Kühl, M. Reactive oxygen production induced by near-infrared radiation in three strains of the Chl d-containing cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina. F1000Research 2, 44 (2013).



  • Crespo, E., Steeghs, M. M. L., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry: Applications in Life Sciences. In Handbook of Applied Mass Spectrometry (ed. Lee, M.) 1257–1282 (Wiley, 2012).
  • Spinelli, F. et al. Emission of volatile compounds by Erwinia amylovora: biological activity in vitro and possible exploitation for bacterial identification. Trees Struct. Funct. 26, 141–152 (2012).
  • Forni, C., Braglia, R., Harren, F. J. M. & Cristescu, S. M. Stress responses of duckweed (Lemna minor L.) and water velvet (Azolla filiculoides Lam.) to anionic surfactant sodium-dodecyl-sulphate (SDS). Aquat. Toxicol. 110-111, 107–113 (2012).
  • Mandon, J. et al. Exhaled NO monitoring by quantum cascade laser: comparison with chemiluminescent and electrochemical sensors. J. Biomed. Opt. 17, 017003 (2012).
  • Crespo, E. et al. Potential biomarkers for identification of mycobacterial cultures by Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry analysis. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 26, 679–685 (2012).
  • Crespo, E., Devasena, S., Sikkens, C., Centeno, R., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Proton-Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) in combination with Thermal Desorption (TD) for sensitive off-line analysis of volatiles. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 26, 990–996 (2012).
  • Nitsch, L. et al. ABA-deficiency results in reduced plant and fruit size in tomato. J. Plant Physiol. 169, 878–883 (2012).
  • Farneti, B. et al. Rapid tomato volatile profiling by using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS). J. Food Sci. (2012).
  • Mur, L. A. J. et al. Haemoglobin modulates salicylate and jasmonate/ethylene-mediated resistance mechanisms against pathogens. J. Exp. Bot. 63, 4375–4387 (2012).
  • Crespo, E. et al. On-line detection of root-induced volatiles in Brassica nigra plants infested with Delia radicum L. root fly larvae. Phytochemistry 84, 68–77 (2012).
  • Van Dam, N. M. et al. Real-time analysis of sulfur-containing volatiles in Brassica plants infested with root-feeding Delia radicum larvae using proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometry. Ann. Bot. Plants 2012, pls021 (2012).
  • Harren, F. J. M., Mandon, J. & Cristescu, S. M. Photoacoustic spectroscopy in trace gas monitoring. In Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry (ed. Meyers, R. A.) 1–24 (Wiley, 2012).



  • Van den Dungen, R., te Lintel Hekkert, S., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Highly sensitive ethylene detector for on-line measurements on kiwifruits. Acta Hortic. 913, 651–656 (2011).
  • Spinelli, F. et al. Emission of volatiles during the pathogenic interaction between Erwinia amylovora and Malus domestica. Acta Hortic. 896, 55–64 (2011).
  • Moniuszko, G., Laska-Oberndorff, A., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Sirko, A. Ethylene emitted by nylon membrane filters questions their usefulness to transfer plant seedlings between media. BioTechniques 51, (2011).
  • Arslanov, D. D., Swinkels, K., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Real-time, subsecond, multicomponent breath analysis by Optical Parametric Oscillator-based Off-Axis Integrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy. Opt. Express 19, 24078–24089 (2011).
  • Lloyd, A. J. et al. Metabolomic approaches reveal that cell wall modifications play a major role in ethylene-mediated resistance against Botrytis cinerea. Plant J. 67, 852–868 (2011).
  • Mur, L. A. J., Mandon, J., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Prats, E. Methods of nitric oxide detection in plants: A commentary. Plant Sci. 181, 509–519 (2011).
  • Arslanov, D. D. et al. Rapid and sensitive trace gas detection with continuous wave Optical Parametric Oscillator-based Wavelength Modulation Spectroscopy. Appl. Phys. B 103, 223–228 (2011).
  • Crespo, E. et al. Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry detects rapid changes in volatile metabolite emission by Mycobacterium smegmatis after the addition of specific antimicrobial agents. J. Microbiol. Methods 86, 8–15 (2011).
  • Eller, A. S. D. et al. Volatile organic compound emissions from switchgrass cultivars used as biofuel crops. Atmos. Environ. 45, 3333–3337 (2011).
  • Cristescu, S. M. et al. Screening for emphysema via exhaled volatile organic compounds. J. Breath Res. 5, 046009 (2011).
  • Mandon, J. & Harren, F. Ultrasensitive absorption spectroscopy. Phys. 4, 100 (2011).

2006 - 2010


  • Yordanova, Z. P., Lakimova, E. T., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M., Kapchina-Toteva, V. M. & Woltering, E. J. Involvement of ethylene and nitric oxide in cell death in mastoparan-treated unicellular alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Cell Biol. Int. 34, 301–308 (2010).
  • Benlloch-González, M. et al. K+ starvation inhibits water-stress-induced stomatal closure via ethylene synthesis in sunflower plants. J. Exp. Bot. 61, 1139–1145 (2010).
  • Hermans, C. et al. Systems analysis of the responses to long-term magnesium deficiency and restoration in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol. 187, 132–144 (2010).
  • Persijn, S., Harren, F. & van der Veen, A. Quantitative gas measurements using a versatile OPO-based cavity ringdown spectrometer and the comparison with spectroscopic databases. Appl. Phys. B 100, 383–390 (2010).
  • Arslanov, D. D., Cristescu, S. M. & Harren, F. J. M. Optical parametric oscillator based off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy for rapid chemical sensing. Opt. Lett. 35, 3300–3302 (2010).
  • Kai, M. et al. Serratia odorifera: analysis of volatile emission and biological impact of volatile compounds on Arabidopsis thaliana. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 88, 965–976 (2010).
  • Harren, F. J. M., Persijn, S. T. & Cristescu, S. M. Photoacoustic spectroscopy. In Handbook of Metrology (eds Glaser, M. & Kochsiek, M.) 581–620 (Wiley, 2010, Weinheim).


  • Clarke, S., Cristescu, S., Miersch, O., Harren, F., Wasternack, C. & Mur, L. Jasmonates act with salicylic acid to confer basal thermotolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol. 182, 175–187 (2009).
  • Salman, A., Filgueiras, H., Cristescu, S., Lopez-Lauri, F., Harren, F. & Sallanon, H. Inhibition of wound-induced ethylene does not prevent red discoloration in fresh-cut endive (Cichorium intybus L.). Eur. Food Res. Technol. 228, 651–657 (2009).
  • Vainio, M., Peltola, J., Persijn, S., Harren, F. J. M. & Halonen, L. Thermal effects in singly resonant continuous wave optical parametric oscillators. Appl. Phys. B 94, 411–427 (2009).
  • de Gouw, J. A. et al. Airborne measurements of ethene from industrial sources using laser photoacoustic spectroscopy. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43, 2437–2442 (2009).
  • Mur, L. A. J., Lloyd, A. J., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M., Hall, M. & Smith, A. Biphasic ethylene production during the hypersensitive response in Arabidopsis: A window into defence priming mechanisms? Plant Signal. Behav. 4, 610–614 (2009).
  • Yordanova, Z. P., Kapchina-Toteva, V. M., Woltering, E. J., Cristescu, S. M., Harren, F. J. M. & Iakimova, E. T. Mastoparan-induced cell death signaling in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Biotechnol. Biotechnol. Equip. 23, 730–734 (2009).
  • Roeder, S. et al. SAM levels, gene expression of SAM synthetase, methionine synthase and ACC oxidase, and ethylene emission from Nicotiana suaveolens flowers. Plant Mol. Biol. 70, 535–546 (2009).


  • Singly resonant cw OPO without frequency selective intracavity elements M. Vainio, J. Peltola, S. Persijn, F.J.M. Harren, L. Halonen Optics Express 16 (2008) 11141-11146

  • Laser- based systems for trace gas detection in life sciences S.M. Cristescu, S.T. Persijn, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F.J.M. Harren Applied Physics B 92 (2008) 343-349 doi: 10.1007/s00340-008-3127-y

  • Cadmium toxicity in cultured tomato cells - role of ethylene, proteases and oxidative stress in cell death E.T. Iakimova, E.J. Woltering, V.M. Kapchina-Toteva, F.J.M. Harren, S.M. Cristescu, Cell Biology International 32 (2008) 1521-1529 doi: 10.1016/j.cellbi.2008.08.021(pdf)

  • Nitric oxide interacts with salicylate to regulate biphasic ethylene biosynthesis during the hypersensitive response, L.A.J. Mur, L.J.J. Laarhoven, F.J.M. Harren, M.A. Hall, A.R. Smith Plant Physiology 148 (2008) 1537-1546 doi: 10.1104/pp.108.124404

  • Micro-aerobics- when rice plants lose their resistance against oxygen, J. Reuss and F.J.M. Harren Physica Scripta 78 (2008) 058125 doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/78/05/058125


  • Development of a Proton-transfer-reaction Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer: Online detection and analysis of VOCs. M.M.L. Steeghs, C. Sikkens, E. Crespo, S.M. Cristescu and F.J.M. Harren International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 262 (2007) 16-24 doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2006.09.031

  • The suitability of Tedlar bags for breath sampling in medical diagnostic research M.M.L. Steeghs, S.M. Cristescu and F.J M Harren Physiological Measurement 28 (2007) 73-84 doi:10.1088/0967-3334/28/1/007

  • Patterns of peroxidative ethane emission from submerged rice seedlings indicate that damage from reactive oxygen species takes place during submergence and is not necessarily a post-anoxic phenomenon I.E. Santosa, P.C. Ram, E.I Boamfa, L.J. Laarhoven, J. Reuss, M.B. Jackson, F.J.M. Harren Planta 226 (2007) 193-202 doi:10.1007/s00425-006-0457-z

  • Selective trace gas detection of complex molecules with a continuous wave optical parametric oscillator using a planar jet expansion A.K.Y. Ngai, H. Verbraak, S.T. Persijn, and H. Linnartz and F.J.M. Harren Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 081109 doi: 10.1063/1.2709515

  • Collision induced dissociation study of 10 monoterpenes for identification in trace gas measurements using the newly developed proton-transfer reaction ion trap mass spectrometer M.M.L. Steeghs, E. Crespo, F.J.M. Harren International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 263 (2007) 204-212 doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2007.02.011

  • Real time monitoring of ethylene during fungal-plant interaction by laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy S.M. Cristescu, E.J. Woltering and F.J.M. Harren in: ‘Food Mycology: A Multifaceted Approach to Fungi and Food', J. Dijksterhuis and R.A. Samson, Eds.) CRC Press, London, 2007) 25-47

  • An off-line breath sampling and analysis method suitable for large screening studies M.M.L. Steeghs, S.M. Cristescu, P. Munnik, P. Zanen and F.J.M. Harren Physiological Measurements 28 (2007) 503-514 doi:10.1088/0967-3334/28/5/005

  • Ethylene production is associated to germination but not to seed dormancy in red rice. A. Gianinetti, L.J.J. Laarhoven, S.T. Persijn F.J.M. Harren, L. Petruzzelli Annals of Botany 99 (2007) 735-745 doi:10.1093/aob/mcm008

  • Reduction of Ethylene Emission from Scots Pine Induced by Insect Egg Deposition R. Schröder, S. Cristescu, Frans Harren, Monika Hilker Journal of Experimental Botany 58 (2007) 1835-1842 doi:10.1093/jxb/erm044

  • No evidence for substantial aerobic methane emission by terrestrial plants: a 13C-labelling approach T. Dueck, R. de Visser, H. Poorter, S. Persijn, A. Gorissen, W. de Visser, A. Schapendonk, J. Verhagen, J. Snel, F.J.M. Harren, A.K.Y. Ngai, F. Verstappen, H. Bouwmeester, L.A.C.J. Voesenek, A. van der Werf, New Phytologist (2007) doi:0.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02103.x

  • NO provides mainly avr-dependent inputs into cell death mechanisms associated with the hypersensitive response in tobacco L. Mur, P. Kenton, F. Harren, L. Laarhoven, A. Smith, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 146 (2007) S256

  • Mid-infrared continuous wave cavity ring down spectroscopy of molecular ions using an optical parametric oscillator H. Verbraak, A.K.Y. Ngai, S.T. Persijn, F.J.M. Harren, H. Linnartz. Chemical Physics Letters 442 (2007) 145-149 doi:10.1016/j.cplett.2007.05.051

  • Continuous wave optical parametric oscillator for quartz-enhanced photoacoustic trace gas sensing A.K.Y. Ngai, S.T. Persijn, I.D. Lindsay, A.A. Kosterev, P. Groβ, C.J. Lee, S.M. Cristescu, F.K. Tittel, K.-J. Boller, F.J.M. Harren Applied Physics B 89 (2007) 123-128 doi:10.1007/s00340-007-2755-y

  • Nitrogen fixation along a north-south transect in the eastern Atlantic Ocean M. Staal, S. te Lintel Hekkert, G.J. Brummer, M Veldhuis, C. Sikkens, S. Persijn, L.J. Stal Limnology Oceanography 52 (2007) 1305-1316

  • Ethylene production of Botrytis cinerea in vitro and during in planta infection of tomato fruits. S. M. Cristescu, F. J. M. Harren, E.J Woltering in: "Advances in Plant Ethylene Research: Eds: A. Ramina, C. Chang, J. Giovannoni, H. Klee, P. Perata and E. Woltering (Springer Netherlands 2007) pp: 395-397, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6014-4_85

  • Life science trace gas facility: a way towards top-research on biological systems S. M. Cristescu, F. J. M. Harren in: "Advances in Plant Ethylene Research: Eds: A. Ramina, C. Chang, J. Giovannoni, H. Klee, P. Perata and E. Woltering (Springer Netherlands 2007) pp: 441-442, doi: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6014-4

  • Photoacoustic Spectroscopy using continuous wave Optical Parametric Oscillators, A.K.Y. Ngai, S.T. Persijn, M.M.J.W. van Herpen, S.M. Cristescu, F.J.M. Harren, in "Mid-Infrared Coherent Sources and Applications" Eds. M. Ebrahim-Zadeh and I.T. Sorokina, (Springer, Dordrecht, 2007) 511-533


  • Study of gas exchange in insects by sensitive laser photoacoustic spectroscopy, S.T. Persijn, F.J.M. Harren, I. Wijkamp, L. Mitrayana, Instrumentation Science & Technology 34 (2006) 85-97 doi:10.1080/10739140500374161

  • Optical parametric oscillator-based photoacoustic detection of CO2 at 4.23 mu m allows real-time monitoring of the respiration of small insects, M.M.J.W. van Herpen , A.K.Y. Ngai, S.E. Bisson, J.H.P. Hackstein, E.J. Woltering, F.J.M. Harren, Applied Physics B 82 (2006) 665-669 doi:10.1007/s00340-005-2119-4

  • Quantum cascade laser-based carbon monoxide detection on a second time scale from human breath, B.W.M. Moeskops, H. Naus, S.M. Cristescu, F.J.M. Harren, Applied Physics B 82 (2006)

  • Sub-part-per-billion monitoring of nitric oxide by use of wavelength modulation spectroscopy in combination with a thermoelectrically cooled, continuous-wave quantum cascade laser, B.W.M. Moeskops, S.M. Cristescu, F.J.M. Harren, Optics Letters 31 (2006) 823-825

  • On-line monitoring of UV-induced lipid peroxidation products from human skin in vivo using proton-transfer reaction mass spectrometry, M.M.L. Steeghs, B.W.M. Moeskops, K. van Swam, S.M. Cristescu, P.T.J. Scheepers, F.J.M. Harren, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 253 (2006) 58-64 doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2006.02.015 (pdf) (pdf, 171 kB)

  • Automatically tunable continuous-wave optical parametric oscillator for high-resolution spectroscopy and sensitive trace-gas detection, A.K.Y. Ngai, S.T. Persijn , G. von Basum, F.J.M. Harren, Applied Physics B 85 (2006) 173-180 doi:10.1007/s00340-006-2362-3

  • Real-time trace gas sensing of ethylene, propanal and acetaldehyde from human skin in vivo B.W.M. Moeskops, M.M.L. Steeghs, K. van Swam, S.M. Cristescu, P.T.J. Scheepers and F.J.M. Harren Physiological Measurements 27 (2006) 1187-1196 doi:10.1088/0967-3334/27/11/011

  • Ethylene and carbon dioxide production by developing strawberries show a correlative pattern that is indicative of ripening climacteric fruit, P.M.M. Iannetta, L.J. Laarhoven, N. Medina-Escobar, E.K. James, M.T. McManus, H.V. Davies, F.J.M. Harren, Physiologia Plantarum 127 (2006) 247-259 doi:10.1111/j.1399-3054.2006.00656.x

  • Ethanol and methanol as possible odor cues for egyptian fruit bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus), F. Sanchez, C. Korine, M. Steeghs, L.J. Laarhoven, S.M. Cristescu, F.J.M. Harren, R. Dudley, B. Pinshow, Journal of Chemical Ecology 32 (2006) 1289-1300 doi:10.1007/s10886-006-9085-0

  • Organ-specific analysis of the anaerobic primary metabolism in rice and wheat seedlings. I: Dark ethanol production is dominated by the shoots, A. Mustroph, E.I. Boamfa, L.J.J. Laarhoven, F.J.M. Harren, G. Albrecht, B. Grimm, Planta 225 (2006) 103-114 doi:10.1007/s00425-006-0333-x

  • Organ specific analysis of the anaerobic primary metabolism in rice and wheat seedlings II: Light exposure reduces needs for fermentation and extends survival during anaerobiosis, A. Mustroph, E.I. Boamfa, L.J.J. Laarhoven, F.J.M. Harren, Y. Pörs, B. Grimm, Planta 225 (2006) 139-152 doi:10.1007/s00425-006-0336-7

  • Involvement of ethylene and lipid signalling in cadmium-induced programmed cell death in tomato suspension cells E.T. Yakimova, V.M. Kapchina-Toteva, L.J. Laarhoven, F.M. Harren, E.J. Woltering, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 44 (2006) 581-589 doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2006.09.003

2001 - 2005


  • Inter-comparison of Laser Photo-Acoustic Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography Techniques for Measurements of Ethene in the Atmosphere, W.C. Kuster, F.J.M. Harren, J. de Gouw, Environmental Science & Technology 39 (2005) 4581-4585

  • Kinetics of ethanol and acetaldehyde release suggest a role for acetaldehyde production in tolerance of rice seedlings to micro-aerobic conditions E.I. Boamfa, A. Veres, P.C. Ram, M.B. Jackson, J. Reuss and F.J.M. Harren, Annals of Botany 96 (2005) 727-736 doi:10.1093/aob/mci224

  • Gas transport through the root-shoot transition zone of rice tillers, T.T. Groot, P.M. van Bodegom, H.A.J. Meijer, F.J.M. Harren, Plant and Soil 277 (2005) 107-116

  • Fourier transform and high sensitivity cw-cavity ring down absorption spectroscopies of ozone in the 6030-6130 cm-1 region. First observation and analysis of the 3n1+3n3 and 2n2+5n3 bands. M.-R. de Backer-Barilly, A. Barbe, Vl. G. Tyuterev, D. Romanini, B. Moeskops and A. Campargue, Journal of Molecular Structure 780-781 (2005) 225-233 doi:10.1016/j.molstruc.2005.06.051

  • RP-ACS1, a flooding-induced 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase gene of Rumex palustris, is involved in rhythmic ethylene production, Ivo Rieu, Simona M. Cristescu, Frans J. M. Harren, Wim Huibers, Laurentius A. C. J. Voesenek, Celestina Mariani and Wim H. Vriezen, Journal of Experimental Botany, doi:10.1093/jxb/eri078 (2005)

  • Ethylene and flower longevity in Alstromeria: relationship between tepal senescence, abscission and ethylene biosynthesis, C. Wagstaff, U. Chanasut, F.J.M. Harren, L.J. Laarhoven, B. Thomas, H.J. Rogers, A.D. Stead, Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (2005) 1007-1016 doi:10.1093/jxb/eri094

  • Nitric oxide production, as revealed in real-tie using laser photoacoustic detection, is type III effector dependent in pathogen challenged tobacco and Arabidopsis thaliana, L.A.A.J. Mur, I.E. Santosa, L.J.J. Laarhoven, N.J. Holton, F.J.M. Harren, A.R. Smith, Plant Physiology accepted (2005)

  • Laser photoacoustic detection allows in planta detection of nitric oxide in tobacco following challenge with avirulent and virulent Pseudomonas syringae pathovars. L.A.J. Mur, I.E. Santosa, L.J.J. Laarhoven, N.J. Holton, F.J.M. Harren, A.R. Smith, Plant Physiology 138 (2005)1247-1258

  • Sensing grass crops as regional sources of reactive volatile organic compounds. T. Karl, F. Harren, C. Warneke, J de Gouw, C. Grayless, R. Fall, Journal of Geographical Research-Atmospheres 110 (2005) D15302, doi:10.1029/2005JD005777


  • Photoacoustic Spectroscopy, Frans J.M. Harren and Lucas J.J. Laarhoven, in 'Optics Encyclopedia ' Eds. T.G. Brown, K. Creath, H. Kogelnik, M.A. Kriss, J. Schmit, M.J. Weber (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004) pp. 3021-3056

  • Application of sensitive trace gas detectors in post harvest research, S.T. Persijn, J. Oomens, Qingxu Yu, R. Hartanto, Suparmo, M.A.J. Wasosno, F.J.M. Harren, in ‘Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops' Eds. R. Dris, S.M. Jain Vol 4, ‘Postharvest treatment and Technology' (Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 2004) pp.1-16

  • Combined wide pump tuning and high power of a continuous-wave, singly resonant optical parametric oscillator M.M.J.W. van Herpen, S.E. Bisson, A.K.Y. Ngai, F.J.M. Harren Applied Physics B 78 (2004) 281-286

  • Proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry as a new tool for real time analysis of root secreted volatile organic compounds in Arabidopsis, M. Steeghs, H. Pal Bais, J. de Gouw, P. Goldan, W. Kuster, M. Northway, R. Fall, J.M. Vivanco Plant Physiology 135 (2004) 47-58

  • Trace gas detection from fermentation processes in apples; an intercomparison study between Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry and Laser Photoacoustics E.I. Boamfa, M.M.L. Steeghs, S.M. Cristescu, F.J.M. Harren, Int. J of Mass Spectrometry 239 (2004) 193-201 doi:10.1016/j.ijms.2004.07.017

  • Trace gas production for rapid non-destructive determination of seed viability, J.D. Klein, E. Santosa, L.J. Laarhoven, E.I. Boamfa, Y. Hebbe, F.J.M. Harren, Acta Horticulturae 631 (2004) 39-42

  • Ethylene production of two wheat cultivars exposed to desiccation, heat, high irradiance and paraquat-induced oxidation M. Balota, S. Cristescu, W.A. Payne, S. te Lintel Hekkert, L.J.J. Laarhoven, F.J.M. Harren, Crop Science 44 (2004) 812-818

  • Circadian rhythms of ethylene emission in Arabidopsis, S.C. Thain, F. Vandenbussche, L.J.J. Laarhoven, M.J. Dowson-Day, Z.Y. Wang, E.M. Tobin, F.J.M. Harren, A.J. Millar, D. van der Straeten, A.J. Millar, Plant Physiology 136 (2004) 3751-3761 doi/10.1104/pp.104.042523


  • Laser-based trace gas detection of ethane as a result of photo-oxidative damage in chilled cucumber leaves, I.E. Santosa, L.J.J. Laarhoven, J. Harbinson, S. Driscoll, F.J.M. Harren, Review of Scientific Instruments, 74 (2003) 680-683

  • Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy for N2O detection at 2.86 µm using a continuous tunable color center laser, Shaocheng Li, Qingxu Yu, Maarten van Herpen, Sacco te Lintel Hekkert, Frans J.M. Harren, Chinese Optics Letters 1 (2003) 361-363

  • Quantification of methane oxidation in the rice rhizosphere, T.T. Groot, P.M. van Bodegom, F.J.M. Harren and H.A.J. Meijer, Biogeochemistry, 64 (2003) 355-372

  • Pharmacokinetics of ethylene in man by on-line laser photoacoustic detection H.W.A. Berkelmans, B.W.M. Moeskops, J. Bominaar, P.T.J. Scheepers, F.J.M. Harren, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 190 (2003) 206-213

  • Continuous-wave operation of single frequency optical parametric oscillator at 4-5 µm based on periodically poled LiNbO3, M. van Herpen, S. E. Bisson, F. J. M. Harren, Optics Letters, 28 (2003) 2497-2499

  • The Arabidopsis mutant alh1 illustrates a cross talk between ethylene and auxin, F. van den Bussche, J. Smalle, Jie Le, N. J. Madeira Saibo, A. de Paepe, L. Chaerle, O. Tietz, R. Smets, L.J.J. Laarhoven, F.J.M. Harren, H. van Onckelen, K. Palme, J-P Verbelen, D. van der Straeten, Plant Physiology 131 (2003) 1228-1238

  • Trans-resveratrol and grape disease resistance: a dynamical study by high resolution laser based techniques, C. Montero, J.B. Jiménez, J.M. Orea, A. González Urea, S.M. Cristescu, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F.J.M. Harren, Plant Physiology 131 (2003) 129-138

  • Ethylene and auxin control the Arabidopsis response to decreased light intensity, F. van der Bussche, W. H. Vriezen, J. Smalle, L.J.J. Laarhoven, F.J.M. Harren and D. van der Straeten, Plant Physiology, 133 (2003) 517-527

  • Light action spectra of N2 fixation by heterocystous cyanobacteria from the Baltic Sea M. Staal, L.J. Stal, S. te Lintel-Hekkert, F.J.M. Harren, Journal of Phycology, 39 (2003) 668-677

  • Effects of O2 on N2 fixation in heterocystous cyanobacteria from the Baltic Sea M. Staal, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F.J.M. Harren and L.J. Stal, Aquatic Microbial Ecology 33 (2003) 261-270

  • Dynamic aspects of alcoholic fermentation of rice seedlings in response to anaerobiosis and to complete submergence: relationship to submergence tolerance, E.I. Boamfa, P.C. Ram, M.B. Jackson, J. Reuss and F.J.M. Harren, Annals of Botany 91 (2003) 279-290

  • A new partner in the danse macabre: The role of nitric oxide in the hypersensitive response, L.A.J. Mur, E.I. Santosa, L.-J.J. Laarhoven, F. Harren, A.R. Smith, Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology Special Issue (2003) 110-123


  • Wide single-mode tuning of a 3.0 3.8- µm, 700-mW, continuous-wave NdYAG-pumped optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled lithium niobate M. van Herpen, S. te Lintel Hekkert, S. E. Bisson, F. J. M. Harren, Optics Letters 27 (2002) 640-642

  • Photoacoustic trace gas detection of ethane using a continuously tunable, cw optical parametric oscillator based on periodically poled lithium niobate, M. Van Herpen, S. Li, S.E. Bisson, F.J.M. Harren Applied Physics Letters, 81 (2002) 1157-1159

  • The development of a powerful continuous tunable, mid infrared, cw PPLN OPO for trace gas detection, M. van Herpen, S. te Lintel Hekkert, S.E. Bisson, F.J.M. Harren Proceedings SPIE Vol. 4762 (Bellingham, USA, 2002) 16-21

  • Tuning and stability of a continuous-wave mid-infrared high-power single resonant optical parametric oscillator, M.M.J.W. van Herpen, S. Li, S. te Lintel Hekkert, S.E. Bisson, F.J.M. Harren, Applied Physics B 75 (2002) 329-333

  • A versatile photoacoustic spectrometer for sensitive trace gas analysis in the mid-infrared wavelength region (5.1-8.0 and 2.8-4.1 µm), S.T. Persijn, E. Santosa, F.J.M. Harren Applied Physics B 75 (2002) 335-342

  • Submergence tolerance in rainfed lowland rice: physiological basis and prospects for cultivar improvement through marker-aided breeding, P.C. Ram, B.B. Singh, A.K. Singh, P. Ram, P.N. Singh, H.P. Singh, I. Boamfa, F. Harren, E. Santosa, M.B. Jackson, T.L. Setter, J. Reuss, L.J. Wade, V.P. Singh, R.K. Singh, Field Crops Research 76 (2002) 131-152

  • Ethylene production by Botrytis cinerea in vitro and in tomato fruit, S.M. Cristescu, D. de Martinis, S. te Lintel Hekkert, D.H. Parker, F.J.M. Harren, Appliedand Environmental Microbiology 68 (2002)5342-5350

  • Ethylene response to pollen tube growth in Nicotiana tabacum flower, D. De Martinis, G. Cotti, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F.J.M Harren, C. Mariani, Planta 214 (2002) 806-812

  • Ethene and other biomarkers of oxidative stress in hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, P.L.M. Zusterzeel, R.P.M. Steegers-Theunissen, F.J.M. Harren, E. Stekkinger, H. Kateman, B.H. Timmerman, R. Berkelmans, A. Nieuwenhuizen, W.H.M. Peters, M.T.M. Raijmakers, E.A.P. Steegers, Hypertension in Pregnancy 21 (2002) 39-49

  • Maximum rates of N2 fixation and primary production are out of phase in a developing cyanobacterial bloom in the Baltic Sea, J.R. Gallon, A.M. Evans, D.A. Jones, P. Albertano, R. Congestri, B. Bergman, K. Gundersen, K.M. Orcutt,K. von Bröckel, F. Fritsche, M. Meyerhöfer, K. Nachtigall, U. Ohlendieck, S. te Lintel Hekkert, K. Sivonen, S. Repka, L.J. Stal and M. Staal, Limnology Oceanography 47 (2002) 1514-1521

  • Comparison of models describing light dependence of N2 fixation in heterocystous cyanobacteria M. Staal, S. te Lintel Hekkert, P. Herman, L.J. Stal, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (2002) 4679-4683


  • Cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy in the 10 µm region using a waveguide CO2 laser, R. Peeters, G. Berden, A. Olafsson, L.J.J. Laarhoven, G. Meijer, Chemical Physics Letters, 337 (2001) 231-236

  • On-line laser based detection of trace gas emission by avocado under changing atmospheric conditions, S.T. Persijn, D.H. Parker, F.J.M. Harren, R.H. Veltman, Acta Horticulturae 553 (2001) 499-503

  • The onset of fermentation: real-time measurements and model calculations of the ethanol and acetaldehyde emission, J. Oomens, S.T. Persijn, D.H. Parker, F.J.M. Harren, Acta Horticulturae 553 (2001) 505-506

  • Nitrogenase activity in cyanobacteria measured by the acetylene reduction assay: a comparison between batch incubation and on-line monitoring, M. Staal M, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F. Harren,L. Stal Environmental Microbiology 3 (2001) 343-351

  • Acetaldehyde emission by the leaves of trees - correlation with physiological and environmental parameters, J. Kreuzwieser, F. J. M. Harren, L. J. J. Laarhoven, I. Boamfa, S. te Lintel-Hekkert, U. Scheerer, C. Hüglin and H. Rennenberg, Physiologia Plantarum 113 (2001) 41-49

  • Kinetics of ethanol and acetaldehyde production in fermenting wheat dough by laser-based trace gas detection, S.A. Tomas and F.J.M. Harren, Food Science and Technology International 7 (2001) 307-315

  • Diffusive gas transport through flooded rice systems, P.M. van Bodegom, T. Groot, B. van den Hout, P.A. Leffelaar and J. Goudriaan, J. of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 106 (2001) 20861-20873

1996 - 2000


  • CO laser absorption coefficients of biological relevance: H2O, CO2, ethanol, acetaldehyde and ethylene, S.T. Persijn, R.H. Veltman, J. Oomens, F.J.M. Harren and D.H Parker, Applied Spectroscopy, 54 (2000) 62-71

  • In-vivo studies of UV effects in human skin using photoacoustics, B.H. Timmerman, R. Berkelmans, S. Cristescu, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F. de Gruijl, M. Meijers, F.J.M. Harren, R. Gerritsen, D.H. Parker, Proceedings 2nd European UV Sun filters Conference (Step Publishing Limited, 1999, England) pp. 19-25

  • Photoacoustic spectroscopy in trace gas monitoring, F.J.M. Harren, G. Cotti, J. Oomens, S. te Lintel Hekkert, Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, Ed. R.A. Meyers (John Wiley Ltd, Chichester, 2000) pp. 2203-2226

  • Photoacoustic trace gas detection of ethene released by UV-induced lipid peroxidation in humans, S. Cristescu, R. Berkelmans, S. te Lintel Hekkert, B. Timmerman, D. Parker, F. Harren, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 4162 (Bellingham, USA, 2000) 101-107

  • New laser sources for photoacoustic trace gas detection with applications in biomedical science, Jos Oomens, Scott Bisson, Matthew Harting, Thomas Kulp, Frans J.M. Harren, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 3916 (Bellingham, USA, 2000) 295-302

  • Metabolic dysfunction and unabated respiration precede the loss of membrane integrity during dehydration germinating radicals, O. Leprince, F.J.M. Harren, J. Buitink, M. Alberda, F.A. Hoekstra, Plant Physiology, 122 (2000) 597-608

  • Photoacoustic and Photothermal Detection of the Plant Hormone Ethylene L.A.C.J. Voesenek, F.J.M. Harren, H.S.M. de Vries, C.A. Sikkens, S. te Lintel Hekkert and C.W.P.M. Blom, in ‘Plant Hormone Protocols' Eds. G.A. Tucker and J.A. Roberts, in the series ‘Methods in Molecular Biology' (Humana Press Inc, Totowa, New Jersey, 2000) pp. 67-91


  • Photoacoustic spectroscopy using quantum cascade lasers, B.A. Paldus, T.G. Spence, R.N. Zare, J. Oomens, F.J.M. Harren, D.H. Parker, C. Gmachl, F. Capasso, D.L. Sivco, J.N. Baillargeon, A.L. Hutchinson, A.Y. Cho, Optics Letters 24 (1999) 178-180

  • On-line laser photoacoustic detection of ethene in exhaled air as biomarker of ultraviolet radiation damage of the human skin, F.J.M. Harren, R. Berkelmans, K. Kuiper, S. te Lintel Hekkert, P. Scheepers, P. Hollander, R. Dekhuijzen and D. H. Parker, Appl. Phys. Lett., 74 (1999) 1761-1763

  • In-vivo studies of UV effects in human skin using photoacoustics, B.H. Timmerman, R. Berkelmans, S. Cristescu, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F. de Gruijl, M. Meijers, F.J.M. Harren, R. Gerritsen, D.H. Parker, Proceedings 2nd European UV Sun filters Conference (Step Publishing Limited, 1999, England) pp. 19-25

  • Unraveling the responses of metabolism to dehydration points to a role for cytoplasmic viscosity in dessication tolerance, O. Leprince, F.A. Hoekstra, F.J.M. Harren in Basic and applied Aspects of Seed Biology. Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Seeds, Merida, 1999

  • Decreased ascorbic acid levels and brown core development in pears (Pyrus communis L. cv. Conference), R.H. Veltman, M.G. Sanders, S.T. Persijn, H.W. Peppelenbos and J. Oosterhaven, Physiologia Plantarum, 107 (1999) 39-45


  • Laser-investigation of ethylene emission by fruits, H.S.M. de Vries, F.J.M. Harren, E.J. Woltering, H.C.P.M. van der Valk and J. Reuss in 'The Post-harvest Treatment of Fruit and Vegetables', Proc. 6th Int. Symp. of European Concerted Action program (COST94) Oosterbeek, the Netherlands (1998) 259-266

  • Laser-based photoacoustics displays the dynamics of browning in pears, H.S.M. De Vries, R.H. Veltman, A.C.R. van Schaik, G. Cotti, J. Oomens, F.J.M. Harren en J. Oosterhaven, 8th Symposium SLW Discussion group on "Secondary metabolism in plant and plant cells", Secondary metabolites in plant as antioxidants" February 1998, Wageningen, The Netherlands

  • CO laser based photoacoustic trace gas detection; Applications in postharvest physiology, J. Oomens, H Zuckermann, S. Persijn, D.H. Parker and F.J.M. Harren, Applied Physics B, 67 (1998) 459-466

  • Laser photoacoustic trace gas detection, an extremely sensitive technique applied in biological research, S. te Lintel Hekkert, M.J. Staal, R.H.M. Nabben, H. Zuckermann, S. Persijn, L.J. Stal, L.A.C.J. Voesenek, F.J.M. Harren, J. Reuss and D.H. Parker, Instrumentation, Science and Technology 26 (1998) 157-175

  • Multi-component trace gas analysis by three intracavity photoacoustic cells in a CO-laser: observation of anaerobic and post anaerobic emission of acetaldehyde and ethanol in cherry tomatoes, F.G.C. Bijnen, H. Zuckermann, F.J.M. Harren and J. Reuss, Applied Optics 37 (1998) 3345-3354

  • Laser photoacoustic ethene detection from human air as on-line biomarker for lipid peroxidation, R. Berkelmans, K, Kuiper, S. te Lintel Hekkert, P. Scheepers, P. Hollander, D.H. Parker and F.J.M. Harren in ‘Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena', Eds. F. Scudieri and M. Bertolotti, AIP Conference Proceedings 463 (Woodbury, New York, 1998) 579-581

  • A CO laser based photoacoustic system applied to the detection of trace gases emitted by conference pears stored at high CO2 and low O2 levels, S.T. Persijn, R.H. Veltman, J. Oomens, F.J.M. Harren and D.H. Parker in ‘Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena', Eds. F. Scudieri and M. Bertolotti, AIP Conference Proceedings 463 (Woodbury, New York, 1998) 609-611

  • The DV=2 CO laser: photoacoustic trace gas detection, E. Santosa, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F.J.M. Harren and D.H. Parker in ‘Photoacousticand Photothermal Phenomena', Eds. F. Scudieri and M. Bertolotti, AIP Conference Proceedings 463 (Woodbury, New York, 1998) 612-614

  • On-line, laser-based detection of ethene in exhaled air as indicator for UV induced skin damage S. te Lintel Hekkert, R. Berkelmans, K. Kuiper, P. Scheepers, P Hollander, F.J.M. Harren, D.H. Parker, Proceedings European UV Sunfilters Conference, (Step Publishing Limited, 1998, England) pp. 36-39

  • Monitoring gas transport in rice using SF6 as tracer gas detected by laser photoacoustics, T.T. Groot, G. Cotti, D.H. Parker H.A.J. Meijer and F.J.M. Harren in ‘Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena', Eds. F. Scudieri and M. Bertolotti, AIP Conference Proceedings 463 (Woodbury, New York, 1998) 673-675


  • Real-time and Non-intrusive Detection of Ambient Ammonia using the Photothermal Deflection Technique, H.S.M. de Vries, F.J.M. Harren, G.P. Wyers, R.P. Otjes, J. Slanina and J. Reuss in: Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange of Pollutants and Trace Substances (Ed.) S. Slanina (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1997) 210-215

  • Applications in Plant Physiology, Entomology and Microbiology; Gas Exchange Measurements based upon Spectral Selectivity, F.J.M. Harren and J. Reuss in "Progress in Photothermal and Photoacoustic Science and Technology" (Eds.) A. Mandelis and P. Hess, Vol. 3 in the series "Life and Earth Science" (SPIE, Bellingham USA, 1997) 83-127

  • Photoacoustic spectroscopy, Frans Harren and Jörg Reuss, in 'Encyclopedia of Applied Physics' Vol. 19 (Ed.) G.L. Trigg (VCH, Weinheim, 1997) 413-435

  • Laser based detection of trace gases released by crops under long term storage, J. Oomens, S. Persijn, R.H. Veltman, A.C.R. van Schaik, H.S.M. de Vries, F.J.M. Harren and D.H. Parker, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 3105 (Bellingham, USA, 1997) 387-395

  • Multi-component trace gas analysis with a CO laser based photoacoustic detector; emission of ethanol, acetaldehyde, ethane and ethylene from fruit, F.J.M. Harren, J. Oomens, S. Persijn, R.H. Veltman, H.S.M. de Vries and D.H. Parker, Proceedings SPIE Vol. 3405 (Bellingham, USA, 1997) 556-562

  • Laser-driven photoacoustic spectroscopy: What can we do with it in flooding research?, L.A.C.J. Voesenek, M. Banga, J.H.G.M. Rijnders, E.J.W. Visser, F.J.M. Harren, R.W. Brailford, M.B. Jackson and C.W.P.M. Blom, Annals of Botany 79 (1997) 57-65

  • Pollination and stigma wounding: same response, different signal? E.J. Woltering, T. de Vrije, F. Harren and F.A. Hoekstra, Journal of Experimental Botany 48 (1997) 1024-1033

  • Laser-based photoacoustic spectroscopy reveals dynamics of postharvest physiological processes, H.S.M. de Vries, R.H. Veltman, S. Büscher, S.P. Schouten, J. Oomens, F.J.M. Harren, in 'CA Technology and disinfestation studies', Eds J.F. Thompson and E.J. Mitcham, Proc. 7th Int. Controlled Atmosphere Research Conference (Davis, USA, 1997) 1 , 22-27

  • Alleviation of chilling injury by ethephon in pea seeds, L. Petruzzelli and F. Harren in "Basic and Applied Aspects of Seed Biology" (Eds.) R.H. Ellis, M. Black, A.J. Murdoch and T.D. Hong (Kluwer Acad. Publ, Dordrecht, 1997) 569-576

  • Dynamics of acetaldehyde production during anoxia and post-anoxia in Red Bell pepper studied by photoacoustic techniques, H. Zuckermann, F.J.M. Harren, J. Reuss and D.H. Parker, Plant Physiology 113 (1997) 925-932

  • On line monitoring of nitrogenase activity in cyanobacteria by sensitive laser photoacoustic detection of ethylene, H. Zuckermann, M. Staal, L.J. Stal, J. Reuss, S. te Lintel Hekkert, F.J.M. Harren and D.H. Parker, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 63 (1997) 4243-4251

  • Photoacoustic Detection of Current Ethylene Evolution in Citrus Flowers by Modern Laser Techniques, F.J.M. Harren, J. Reuss and F. Lenz, Gartenbauwissenschaft 62 (1997) 193-196


  • Geometrical optimization of a longitudinal resonant photoacoustic cell for sensitive and fast trace gas detection, F.G.C. Bijnen, J. Reuss and F.J.M. Harren, Review Scientific Instruments 67 (1996) 2914-2923

  • Ethylene and CO2 emission rates and pathways in harvested fruits investigated, in situ, by laser photodeflection and photoacoustic techniques, H.S.M. de Vries, M.A.J. Wasono, F.J.M. Harren, E.J. Woltering, H.C.P.M. van der Valk and J. Reuss, Post-Harvest Biology and Technology 8 (1996) 1-10

  • Intracavity CO laser photoacoustic trace gas detection; cyclic CH4, H­2O and CO2 emission by cockroaches and scarab beetles, F.G.C. Bijnen, F.J.M. Harren, J.H.P. Hackstein and J. Reuss, Applied Optics 35 (1996) 5357-5368

  • Thermoacoustic Amplification of Photoacoustic Signal, F.G.C. Bijnen, J. v. Dongen, J. Reuss and F.J.M. Harren, Rev. of Scientific Instruments 67 (1996) 2317-2324

  • CO laser Photoacoustic Trace Gas Analysis of Biological Processes, F.J.M. Harren, H. Zuckermann, F.G.C. Bijnen, J.H.P. Hackstein, J. Reuss and D.H. Parker, Progress in Natural Science, Supplement to Vol.6 (1996) 541-545

  • Ethylene evolution of germinating peas exposed to ozone, H.S.M. de Vries, A.A.E. Martis, J. Reuss, D.H. Parker, L. Petruzzelli and F.J.M. Harren, Progress in Natural Science, Supplement to Vol.6 (1996) 550-553

  • Thermoacoustic amplification of a photoacoustic signal generated by trace gas detection, F.J.M. Harren, F.G.C. Bijnen, J. v. Dongen, J. Reuss and D. H. Parker, Progress in Natural Science, Supplement to Vol.6 (1996) S724-S726

  • Non-intrusive fruit and plant analyses by laser photothermal measurements of ethylene emission, H.S.M. de Vries in "Fruit and nut analyses" (Ed.) H.F. Linskens Vol 18 in the series "Modern methods of Plant Analyses" (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1996) 1-18

  • Combination of Photoacoustic Detector with Gas Diffusion Probes for the Measurement of Methane Concentration Gradients in Submerged Paddy Soil, F. Rothfuss, F.G.C. Bijnen, R. Conrad, F.J.M. Harren and J. Reuss, Chemosphere 33 (1996) 2487-2504

  • Atmung bei Rosenkäfern und Schaben: oder warum sind Schaben so klein und Elefanten so gross?, J.H.P. Hackstein, J. Rosenberg, F.G.C. Bijnen, F.J.M. Harren, J. Reuss, Verh. Westd. Entom. Tag 1995 (Löbbecke-Mus., Düsseldorf, 1996) S. 285-290

1991 - 1995


  1. de Vries, H.S.M. et al. Crossing the boundary between physics and biology with laser trace gas detection. In Proceedings of the Meeting of the Island Physical Society, Nesjavöllem, Island 43-49 (1994).
  2. de Vries, H.S.M., van Lieshout, M.R., Harren, F.J.M. & Reuss, J. Infrared laser photothermal trace gas detection applied to environmental and biological problems. Infrared Phys. Technol. 36, 483-488 (1995).
  3. de Vries, H.S.M. et al. Non-intrusive, fast and sensitive ammonia detection by laser photothermal detection. Atmos. Environ. 29, 1069-1074 (1995).
  4. de Vries, H.S.M., Harren, F.J.M. & Reuss, J. In situ, real-time monitoring of wound-induced ethylene in cherry tomatoes by two infrared laser-driven systems. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 6, 275-285 (1995).
  5. Bijnen, F.G.C. et al. Laser photoacoustical detection of trace gases, applied to respiration of arthropods. Proc. SPIE 2461, 141-148 (1995).
  6. Bijnen, F.G.C. et al. Trace gas emission monitoring from fruit and insects by laser photoacoustic techniques. Rom. J. Biophys. 5, 371-383 (1995).
  7. de Vries, H.S.M. et al. Laser photothermal deflection applied to local gas detection; respiration of tomatoes. Laser und Optoelektronik 27, 64-67 (1995).
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  • Bijnen, F.G.C., Harren, F.J.M., Reuss, J., van Hoek, A.H.A.M., van Alen, T.A. & Hackstein, J.H.P. Intracavity CO-laser photoacoustic trace detection; CH4 production by methanogenic bacteria. In Laser in Remote Sensing (Werner, C. & Waidelich, W., eds.) 66-71 (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 1994).
  • Harren, F.J.M., de Vries, H., Reuss, J., Thuring, J.W.J.F., Nefkens, G.H.L. & Zwanenburg, B. Photoacoustic detection of C2H4 emission from germinating Striga seeds. J. Phys. IV C7, 539-542 (1994).
  • Bijnen, F.G.C., de Vries, H.S.M., Harren, F.J.M. & Reuss, J. Cockroaches and tomatoes investigated by laser photoacoustics. J. Phys. IV C7, 435-443 (1994).
  • Petruzzelli, L., Harren, F. & Reuss, J. Patterns of C2H4 production during germination and seedling growth of pea and wheat as indicated by a laser-driven photoacoustic system. Environ. Exp. Bot. 34, 55-61 (1994).
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  • Bijnen, F.G.C., Harren, F.J.M., Reuss, J., van Alen, T.A. & Hackstein, J.H.P. Methane emission and respiration in arthropods. Proc. Mechanisms of Adaptation in Invertebrates to Changing Environments, Eisenach, Germany, 5-9 September 1993.
  • de Vries, H.S.M., Harren, F.J.M., van Opbergen, M.P.A., van Lieshout, M.R. & Reuss, J. In situ detection of ethylene and ammonia using the photothermal deflection (PDT) technique. In Eurotrac/CEC Annual Report 1993 part 4: Biatex (Fraunhofer Institute Garmisch Partenkirchen, 1993).
  • Woltering, E.J., van Hout, M., Somhorst, D. & Harren, F. Roles of pollination and short-chain saturated fatty acids in flower senescence. Plant Growth Regul. 12, 1-10 (1993).
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  • de Vries, H.S.M., Harren, F.J.M. & Reuss, J. The photothermal deflection technique (PDT); fast trace gas detection in the atmosphere. In Springer Series in Optical Science 69 (Bicanic, D.D., ed.) 12-15 (Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 1992).
  • Bijnen, F.G.C., Brugman, T., Harren, F.J.M. & Reuss, J. A liquid nitrogen cooled CO-laser in a photoacoustic set up monitors low gas concentrations. In Springer Series in Optical Science 69 (Bicanic, D.D., ed.) 34-37 (Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 1992).
  • Harren, F.J.M., Reuss, J., Voesenek, L.A.C.J., Thier, R.H. & Blom, C.W.P.M. Photoacoustic measurements of C2H4 production of and entrapment in plants; a comparison with gas chromatographic results. In Springer Series in Optical Science 69 (Bicanic, D.D., ed.) 56-58 (Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 1992).
  • Harren, F. & Petruzzelli, L. Laser photoacoustic trace detection of C2H4 revealing adverse environmental effects of atmospheric pollution on plant material. Proc. SPIE 1716, 118-127 (1992).
  • Voesenek, L.A.C.J., Thier, R.H., Harren, F.J.M. & Blom, C.W.P.M. Rapid ethylene release and stimulated ethylene production after de-submergence of plants: an analysis with a continuous flow system in line with a laser driven intracavity photoacoustic ethylene detector. In Process in Plant Growth Regulation (Karssen, C.M., van Loon, L.C. & Vreugdenhil, D., eds.) 883-892 (Kluwer Academic Publ. The Netherlands, 1992).
  • Voesenek, L.A.C.J., van der Sman, A.J.M., Harren, F.J.M. & Blom, C.W.P.M. An amalgamation between hormone physiology and plant ecology: a review on flooding resistance and ethylene. J. Plant Growth Regul. 11, 171-188 (1992).

1985 - 1990


  • Harren, F.J.M., Bijnen, F.G.C., Reuss, J., Voesenek, L.A.C.J. & Blom, C.W.P.M. Sensitive intracavity photoacoustic measurements with a CO2 waveguide laser. Appl. Phys. B 50, 137-144 (1990).
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  • Bicanic, D. et al. Recent developments in photoacoustic sensing of the atmospheric pollution by infrared lasers. In Man and his Ecosystem 3 (Brasser, L.J. & Mulder, W.C., eds.) 663-668 (Elsevier Science Publ. Amsterdam, 1990).
  • Harren, F.J.M., Reuss, J., Woltering, E.J. & Bicanic, D.D. Photoacoustic measurements of agriculturally interesting gases; detection of C2H4 below the ppb level. Appl. Spectrosc. 44, 1360-1368 (1990).
  • Voesenek, L.A.C.J., Harren, F.J.M., Bögemann, G.M., Blom, C.W.P.M. & Reuss, J. Ethylene production and petiole growth in Rumex plants induced by soil water logging: The application of a continuous flow system and a laser-driven intracavity photoacoustic detection system. Plant Physiol. 94, 1071-1077 (1990).
  • van der Sman, A.J.M., Voesenek, L.A.C.J., Blom, C.W.P.M., Harren, F.J.M. & Reuss, J. The role of ethylene in shoot elongation with respect to survival and seed output of flooded Rumex maritimus L. plants. Funct. Ecol. 5, 304-313 (1991).
  • Voesenek, L.A.C.J., van der Sman, A.J.M., Harren, F.J.M. & Blom, C.W.P.M. Ethylene and flooding resistance; an integration of plant hormone physiology and plant ecology. Chem. Regul. Plants 26, 156-172 (1991).
  • Smulders, M.J.M., Croes, A.F., Kemp, A., Harren, F. & Wullems, G.J. Inhibition by ethylene of auxin promotion of flower bud formation in tobacco explants is absent in plants transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Plant Physiol. 96, 1131-1135 (1991).
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  • Woltering, E.J. & Harren, F. Early changes in ethylene production during senescence of Carnation and Phalaenopsis flowers measured by laser photoacoustic detection. In Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Ethylene Production in Lower and Higher Plants (Clijsters, H. et al., eds.) 263-370 (Kluwer Academic Publ. The Netherlands, 1989).
  • Bicanic, D.D. et al. Trace detection in agriculture and biology. In Photoacoustic, Photothermal and Photochemical Processes in Gases (Hess, P., ed.) 213-245 (Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 1989).
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  • Woltering, E.J. & Harren, F. Role of rostellum dessication in emasculation induced phenomena in orchid flowers. J. Exp. Bot. 40, 217, 209-212 (1989).
  • Woltering, E.J. & Harren, F. Early changes in ethylene production during senescence of Carnation and Phalaenopsis flowers measured by photoacoustic detection. In Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Ethylene Production in Lower and Higher Plants (Clijsters, H. et al., eds.) 263-370 (Kluwer Academic Publ. The Netherlands, 1989).
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  • Bicanic, D.D., Zuidberg, B.F.J., Friedhof, R., Harren, F., v.d. Akker, D. & Bizzarri, A. Photoacoustic monitoring of the time course of ammonia formation during the spoilage of inoculated beef at room temperature. In Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (Hess, P. & Pelzl, J., eds.) 145-147 (Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 1988).
  • Harren, F., Reuss, J., Bicanic, D.D. & Woltering, E. Ethylene exhalation of a single flower detected by photoacoustic methods. In Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (Hess, P. & Pelzl, J., eds.) 148-149 (Springer Verlag Heidelberg, 1988).
  • Woltering, E.J., Harren, F. & Boerrigter, H.A.M. Use of a laser driven photoacoustic detection system for measurements of ethylene production in Cymbidium flowers. Plant Physiol. 88, 506-510 (1988).