Title: HyTROS - “Hydrogen Transport, Offshore and Storage"

Duration: 2024 - 2028
Researchers: Amir Khodabakhsh, Simona M. Cristescu
Cost estimate: 18 M€
Funding: GroenvermogenNL
Project partners: VSL, HAN University of Applied Sciences, University of Groningen, TNO, Hanze Hogeschool, TU Delft, Shell, Gasunie
More information: https://groenvermogennl.org/nieuws/eerste-rd-programma-groenvermogennl-van-start-hytros-2/ (Dutch) and https://www.nwo.nl/en/news/first-research-project-of-ngf-programme-groenvermogennl-can-start (English)

Like the rest of the world, the Netherlands is faced with an immense climate challenge. As part of the Nationaal Groeifonds, GroenvermogenNL is the Netherlands’ approach to transform from a fossil-based society and industry towards a green future. Green hydrogen acts as a tractive force to support this transition.

The up-scaling of green hydrogen production for deployment in the energy system and the down-scaling of the natural gas production, makes it vital to examine whether and to what extent the existing intensive transmission and distribution network for natural gas can be used in a safe and acceptable manner for the transport of hydrogen.

Safety in HyTROS
Among other aspects, the safety of the operation and the quality of the delivered hydrogen is one of the focus points that is addressed in HyTROS, an 18 million euros subsidy from the Dutch government and 18 industrial partners. Researchers from TDLab in association with the Dutch national metrology institute (VSL) and University of Applied Sciences Arnhem & Nijmegen (HAN) will develop and test analytical solutions and instruments for reliable measurement of impurities in the hydrogen. TDLab will investigate the sources of hydrogen contaminations to find the most important species and their potential concentration levels expected in the real-life application. Based on the outcome of the study, TDLab will design a multispecies gas detection system for the detection of these contaminants.

This provides a tailored solution for the detection of hydrogen contaminations arising from different infrastructures previously used for natural gas and guarantees the utilization of the state-of-the-art trace detection technologies in our green hydrogen ecosystem, being developed in coming years.