Duration: 2024 - 2027
Researchers: Joris Meurs, Simona M. Cristescu
Funding: PPP
Project partners: Radboudumc

Immunotherapy can help increasing the life span of people having non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC). The therapy improves the immunosystem which can then better act against the cancer cells. One of these immunotherapy agents is pembrolizumab. This substance show great results and studies, however, it is very expensive and can have severe side effects. Furthermore, it is not certain whether the therapy has a beneficial effect for the patient despite the fit of the therapy to the type of lung cancer.

In this study, the Life Science Trace Detection Laboratory will perform untargeted breath profiling on lung cancer patients using prembolizumab therapy. In parallel, an eNose (SpiroNose) will be used for rapid screening. The results from the untargeted screening will be used to validate the findings with the SpiroNose and gain more understanding why certain patients respond to the therapy and other not.