Title: BluE and greeN Infrastructure desiGned to beat the urbaN heat (BENIGN)

Duration: July 2022 - June 2027
Researchers: Joris Meurs
Funding: NWA-ORC, Bottelierfonds
Project partners: Naturalis Biodiversity Center

The impact of climate change on health related to heat stress (indoor and outdoor), water quality, and plant diversity is increasing. Blue (lakes, canals) and green infrastructure (trees, herbs) may significantly contribute to reduce heat stress and the warming up of built-up areas. BENIGN aims to investigate how blue and green infrastructure can be employed in urban areas to create healthy living conditions. To do so, 3 living labs in Dutch municipalities will be set up. A key outcome of BENIGN will be a decision support system for municipalities to guide them in creating healthier living conditions.

As part of BENIGN, the Life Science Trace Detection Laboratory is conducting breath analysis of hay fever and non-hay fever volunteers throughout the year. The aim is find novel biomarkers for monitoring acute response to pollen. Breath samples will be collected on-site in Leiden and analysed in Nijmegen. The idea is to use these novel biomarkers to quantify the improvement of hay fever patients' condition after redeveloping urban areas.