Soft chemical-ionization mass-spectrometry (SCIMS) is an exquisitely sensitive analytical technique with applications to health, the environment and security that are vital to the EU. However, the recent, rapid and widespread adoption of this technique has caught Europe unprepared. The resultant shortage in analytical chemical expertise has created an urgent need for highly skilled young researchers to be trained in the wide variety of SCIMS methods. IMPACT addresses this skills’shortage by establishing an intersectoral and multidisciplinary SCIMS international training network. Specifically, IMPACT will train 10 ESRs within an integrated partnership of commercial, governmental and academic organisations, with 40 planned secondments totalling 60 months, 5 Advanced Training Courses, 7 interactive Complementary Skills Workshops, and 4 ESR Centred Research Meetings.

At RU, SCIMS techniques will be applied in Biosciences, particularly in analysis of volatile organic compounds released in exhaled breath and in the headspace of cells/pathogen cultures.

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